Happy is a hole
Today is a teaser of springtime. It is in the low 60s outside and blue sky that always makes me think of the lyrics to "Sweet Home Alabama." Just beautiful, and therefore we are all spending the day outdoors. It helps that D gets the day off, and is smoking a brisket out back. So we all traipse outdoors to be with him and soak up the sunshine while we can. Especially since it's supposed to drop into the 20s tomorrow.
And the little E is in love with outside. Granted that might be because she can't remember getting to be outside before. But it's so much fun to watch her explore and discover the world. Like this hole in the patio.

I'm not sure what it is about this hole in the patio, but she is fascinated. She spent several long minutes today exploring it, poking at it, and finally determining that it must be edible, because she tried to eat it. And not just once like she was testing it out, but she tried several times to eat it, or lick it, or at least slobber all over it.
So for all of you, I hope that you find something today that entertains you and holds your attention as much as this hole did for my little E. Happy hole hunting!
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