Thursday, January 30, 2014

A race director who doesn't run

One of the main reasons that we made the giant move across country 3+ years ago was so that I didn't have to work. And this is an amazing thing - I realize that it's a treat that doesn't come cheap, and certainly is full of positive and negative moments.

     Now those of you who know me realize that I don't sit still very much. I also really suck at saying "no" to anyone. So, it didn't take me very long to get sucked into the world of community service and volunteering. And boy, is it easy to fill up any second you think might be available with work that doesn't actually result in a paycheck.

     Don't get me wrong - I love all the activities I'm involved in. But some of them have become rather all consuming lately. Like this race I'm now planning...

     Something you might want to know about me - I am not a runner. I have never liked running and the few times I've allowed friends to cajole me into trying it out have resulted in a lot of pain, shortness of breath, and a great deal of embarrassment. I can remember disliking running back in kindergarten. So it's not a new thing, and it's not a fitness thing either; even at my most fit and very dedicated gym rat days, I was into spin class and not into running.

     So I find it somewhat ironic that I have now found myself the Race Director for a youth race. It is being put on by our neighborhood pool club, and we've teamed up with the Land Trust of North Alabama (who own the cross country trails property directly adjacent to the pool property). It's going to be a trail run and a swim for kids 5 years and up.

Sounds very cool, right? But again, this is me - I know nothing about competing in a race. I've never run one, I've never even been to the finish line area of one larger than a 5K. So this is ALL new to me. And I'm learning A LOT. It's fun, and stressful, but thankfully so far everyone has been super helpful and friendly in giving me advice. So we're setting up registration, lining up sponsors, and even got a little bit of press this week. Check it out here at Our Valley Events:

     And I think that just maybe, I'm doing ok with all the planning and it will turn out to be an amazing success. Just maybe. Yes, I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and anything else I can cross. Wish me luck! Oh, and if you're free that day, why don't you come help? I'm positive I could use it.

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