Anyways, Derek went back to work today. It's been amazing having him home. It certainly is a big adjustment. When Addison was born we were so caught up in becoming parents and adjusting to being responsible for a tiny fragile life that we thought it was such a huge amount of work. Boy were we wrong! Now it seems that Emma takes very little work and attention compared to Addison.

So, having Derek around for a week helped ease the adjustment. I'm not entirely caught up on sleep yet (nor will I be for a few months yet), but at least I've started to adjust to getting my sleep in 1 - 2hr intervals. I even felt energized enough yesterday to spend some time outside planting flowers while Addison ran around the yard and Emma dozed in the shade. Let's hope I have as much energy now that Derek is off to work again. Of course, my mom is coming in a few days, and I'm counting on getting some naps in while she's here to run fence on Addison.
these pictures are ADORABLE! Can't wait to come visit :)