Baby has arrived! Rather unexpectedly,
she showed up 5 weeks early and with a speed that surprised everyone
(including me and my OB). I had written a blog post that day, but
never had a chance to post it before we rushed off to the hospital -
it is up now despite it seeming boring already. Did I mention that we
made it to the hospital 24 minutes before Emma was born? Yea, that's
what I mean by fast; in fact, the nurses nicknamed her 'Speedy'.
those who haven't heard the craziness that was Emma birthday, I'll do
an attempt at a brief recap here...
I woke up Tuesday (April
9th) with some mild cramping, but nothing that suggested labor pains.
At my OB check up that morning they ran a battery of tests to see if
I was close to labor and determined that I probably had a few weeks
left; this was pretty much what I was assuming as well. So, Addison
and I went off to story time at the library, and then home for lunch
and playing in the backyard. I was a bit more tired and uncomfortable
than usual, so we didn't venture out on any walks or to the
playground, but otherwise spent it as any other normal day.

at about 4pm my labor started; however, I didn't realize that's what
it was. I thought I was just having strong Braxton Hicks. It wasn't
until after dinner, around 6:30 that they became painful, over very
quickly went from 10 minute intervals to 2 minute intervals. That's
when I knew it was time to go to the hospital. But I will caveat that
I didn't have time between contractions to really think about how
this meant we were going to have a baby soon! I guess pain will do
that to anyone.

So at 7pm we piled into the car, dropped
Addison off at our wonderful friends house, and sped our way to the
hospital. Just like you've seen in the movies, I was the pregnant
lady in the wheel chair screaming for an epidural while being told it
was too late. Thankfully Emma quickly entered the world so I wasn't
in pain for very long. And now I know what natural childbirth is
like. I think if there ever is a next time, I'll strive to make it to
the hospital with enough time so I can actually decide whether or not
to get the epidural.
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