Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Microwave Dave and Indian Creek DG

As forecast, I found my way to watch Classical-Blues Cabaret at the Flying Monkey Theater last Friday. How to describe? ...well, walk with me as I paint a picture: A veteran blues guitarist, a fairly accomplished classical guitarist, and (I believe) a music instructor at a local academic institution on piano. By themselves, each very enjoyable to listen to. Tango on the piano. Bouree on the nylon. Blues on the electric. But when we combine all three... its interesting. I don't think anything as a group was done to blow socks off, but there were enough solo numbers to sufficiently showcase a goodly amount of local talent. Which brings me to: Microwave Dave on the cigar box guitar is a thing to behold. If anyone watched the video I had dredged up earlier, it was sort of like that, but Live, and Better. Simply put, I am making myself a cigar box guitar. Easy.

While we are on the subject, the Flying Monkey is a fascinating venue. It sits entirely inside an old textile mill, in a WWII-era-shotgun-houses type of neighborhood. As far as I could tell it is 40% contemporary art exhibits, 20% hippie shops, 30% theater and music studios, and 10% dog kennel. If one had asked me if such a place existed in Huntsville, I would have told One "certainly not".

My only other contribution at the moment is to gladly report on the condition of the still-new Indian Creek Disc Golf Course, not but a statutory mile from our house (sorry, I just recently discovered eggcorns). Very challenging course, even for such a professional as I. Extremely well-marked and not particularly busy. If disc golf sounds like a strange dance move to you, I would highly recommend it. Take the "walk in the park" aspect of regular golf, but without the occasional urges to wrap metal sticks around the closest telephone pole. Good deal. ...whelp, time to hit the old dusty trail. Don't worry--I almost promise to ensure pictures with all subsequent posts. I dislike reading as much as the next dud.

oh, almost forgot. links:

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