I never realized how strong the nesting urge was when I had Addison, which could be for a number of reasons. Maybe it really wasn't as strong last time (after all, pregnancies are different each time). Or perhaps it was the fact that we packed up and moved our entire house from California to Alabama right around this time in that pregnancy. So although I was in the mood to rearrange, the timing was perfect because we had rooms full of boxes that needed to be unpacked and furniture that needed to be set out. I think it masked the nesting so that neither I or Derek realized it for what it was. This time is not so subtle.

Now at first I tried to focus my nesting urges towards an old creaky rocking chair we had (that could really use a major face-lift). Unfortunately the thing creaks so loudly that I'm pretty sure the neighbors can hear it down the street. It's not as inspiring to paint and recover a chair that you have no real intention of ever using. So that project hasn't gone anywhere, yet.

So basically I've decided that all of our furniture is in need of paint, or recovering, or both. This shouldn't be confused with me hating all of our furniture; I don't mind most of it, but for some reason at the current moment I know it would just look that much better if it had something done to it. And it's making Derek's head spin. So far I haven't actually done anything aside from moving things around and looking at fabric swatches online, but maybe one of these days I'll take that next step.
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