So this year the little family of 3 made Thanksgiving into a big adventure by traveling all the way out to California for the week. Unfortunately, gone are the days of Addison sleeping peacefully in my lap on the airplane - on the flight out she fought sleep like you wouldn't believe. But then we were there! In a whirlwind, we made it up to our old haunts in Santa Barbara for one very rainy day, and spent the remainder of the trip surrounded by family. Lucky for us, between a friend filled potluck turkey day, the big event itself, and a more intimate family affair over the weekend, we managed to repeat Thanksgiving dinner three times! Lucky us! Especially lucky for me who wasn't feeling entirely healthy on Thursday.
And amidst all of this, Addison traipsed along, smiling the whole time. She really is getting to be quite the ham. And we have now discovered that she loves dogs. I'm not sure where it comes from, since she doesn't spend much time around dogs at home, but surrounded by 5 golden retrievers down in Fallbrook, she did nothing but giggle. Well, sometimes she did point at them and squeal. Perhaps someday we'll have to get a dog.

And if all of that wasn't enough, Addison wowed everyone by taking her first steps on Saturday. I can't think of anything cuter than watching her squeal as she proudly walked across the room from one person to another. She is growing up so fast, and just when we think she can't get any more adorable, she seems to surprise us.
So in my new attempt for this blog, every entry will include at least one recipe that I'll share. This week, in honor of thanksgiving, I'll give you my favorite carrot souffle recipe. I love it, and Addison gobbles it up, but I have met some people who aren't sure about a dish that tastes a little like carrots and a lot like dessert. I recommend you try it and let me know what you think. I have to credit that this originally comes from Paula Deen on the Food Network, and knowing that it's a Paula Deen recipe means you shouldn't be surprised by the fact that it is loaded with butter.
Carrot Souffle
3 lbs carrots, cooked until soft
6 eggs
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup flour
3 sticks (1 1/2 cups) butter
Before you begin, chop and cook 3 lbs of carrots until soft.
In a blender or food processor, combine eggs and sugar. Once mixed, add flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Mix. Next, add the butter (if you break it into chunks before adding it, it'll be easier). And finally add in the 3 lbs of carrots you previously cooked. Blend until mixture is smooth and even.
Pour into a large corning ware dish or split into smaller dishes for faster cooking time. Cook for approximately 1 hour at 350.
You will know it is done when it begins to crack on the sides and looks slightly cooked in the middle (no longer liquidy).
And amidst all of this, Addison traipsed along, smiling the whole time. She really is getting to be quite the ham. And we have now discovered that she loves dogs. I'm not sure where it comes from, since she doesn't spend much time around dogs at home, but surrounded by 5 golden retrievers down in Fallbrook, she did nothing but giggle. Well, sometimes she did point at them and squeal. Perhaps someday we'll have to get a dog.
And if all of that wasn't enough, Addison wowed everyone by taking her first steps on Saturday. I can't think of anything cuter than watching her squeal as she proudly walked across the room from one person to another. She is growing up so fast, and just when we think she can't get any more adorable, she seems to surprise us.
So in my new attempt for this blog, every entry will include at least one recipe that I'll share. This week, in honor of thanksgiving, I'll give you my favorite carrot souffle recipe. I love it, and Addison gobbles it up, but I have met some people who aren't sure about a dish that tastes a little like carrots and a lot like dessert. I recommend you try it and let me know what you think. I have to credit that this originally comes from Paula Deen on the Food Network, and knowing that it's a Paula Deen recipe means you shouldn't be surprised by the fact that it is loaded with butter.
Carrot Souffle
3 lbs carrots, cooked until soft
6 eggs
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup flour
3 sticks (1 1/2 cups) butter
Before you begin, chop and cook 3 lbs of carrots until soft.
In a blender or food processor, combine eggs and sugar. Once mixed, add flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Mix. Next, add the butter (if you break it into chunks before adding it, it'll be easier). And finally add in the 3 lbs of carrots you previously cooked. Blend until mixture is smooth and even.
Pour into a large corning ware dish or split into smaller dishes for faster cooking time. Cook for approximately 1 hour at 350.
You will know it is done when it begins to crack on the sides and looks slightly cooked in the middle (no longer liquidy).